Cash Cow Consultant Conference

Become a seven-figure consultant with no employees (if cancelled due to Covid-19, we will conduct a virtual conference)

Apply now Embassy Suites 2727 N. Stemmons FRWY, Dallas, TX 75207

Not another “get rich speaking” conference 

Let’s make one thing clear. This will NOT be another “get rich speaking” conference. Here’s why:

There will be no “back of room sales” or people pushing products trying to upsell you on coaching and expensive CDs and DVDs.

There will be no selling t-shirts or other logo and swag products. We are going to put money in your pocket not take it out.

There will not be multiple speakers telling you how good they are and why you should (once again) purchase their products.

There’s only one speaker – Me! And I take full responsibility for equipping you to earn $200,000 to $1,000,000 annually.

There will be no exhibitors or sponsors, or networking happy hours, we are going to be strictly business, on our grind, and focused on one thing — becoming a Cash Cow Consultant!

Who Should Attend: Consultants, Subject Matter Experts, Speakers, Trainers, Freelancers

✓ Subject matter experts who want to quit their corporate job and become self-employed consultants.
(Information Technology, Sales, Human Resources, Management, Recruiting, Marketing, Health and Wellness and More!)

✓ Experienced consultants and speakers who want to earn $200,000 to $1,000,000 annually. (with no employees)

✓ Freelancers who want to stop working part-time and become self-employed full time.

✓ Beginning consultants and speakers who want to stop training and speaking for free.

✓ Speakers tired of chasing events and need multi-year contracts of guaranteed income.

✓ Published authors who want to leverage their book content into consulting/training and keynote speaking.

✓ Authors who realize giving away their expertise in $20 books is keeping them broke.

✓ Physicians, health care administrators who want to become consultants, corporate professionals, financial experts, real estate professionals, fitness and yoga instructors, church pastors, culinary experts, writers, editors and more!

✓ Anyone who is ridiculously on their grind to become a wealthy consultant and just needs to know the business secrets of seven-figure consultants.

“Myths of Consulting:”

Myth 1) The consulting business is about being an expert consultant.
Nope. It’s about marketing! No matter what your area of expertise is, no matter how you good your ideas and content are, it does not matter unless you know how to position yourself to get a check. Unless you learn how to build a pipeline of profit, you’re going to go broke, starve, and find yourself going back to a 9 to 5 job!

Myth 2) You need special degrees, certifications, and qualifications.
I thought so to (glad I didn’t). I was about to spend $50,000 on a PhD in leadership, and I remember when I told the late great Zig Ziglar what I was about to do, he told me a powerful secret that I have never forgotten to gain instant credibility than any fancy degree or certification.

James Bird Guess

CEO and President

Founder of The Cash Cow Consultant Conference, James was homeless after high school and built a quarter million dollar business from the trunk of his car. He is now a world-renowned consultant, keynote speaker, and CEO of International Success Academy, a management consulting firm advising business leaders on strategic leadership and employee engagement.

Meet the Speakers

James Bird Guess

Founder Cash Cow Consultant

Founder of The Cash Cow Consultant Conference, James was homeless after high school and built a quarter million dollar business from the trunk of his car. He is now a world-renowned consultant, keynote speaker, and CEO of International Success Academy, a management consulting firm advising business leaders on strategic leadership and employee engagement.

Meet the Speakers

James Bird Guess

Management Consultant

Founder of The Cash Cow Consultant Conference, James was homeless after high school and built a quarter million dollar business from the trunk of his car. He is now a world-renowned consultant, keynote speaker, and CEO of International Success Academy, a management consulting firm advising business leaders on strategic leadership and employee engagement.

Meet the Speakers

The Art of Credibility: Becoming the Expert and Authority

  • Magnolia 1
  • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Full Schedule

Marketing Systems: Who cares how good you are, you’ll starve if you don’t do this

  • Magnolia 1
  • 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Full Schedule

Strategically Setting and Raising Your Fees

  • Magnolia 1
  • 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Full Schedule

Conference starts in

Step 1: Apply now ............................... Step 2: Put Date on Calendar......... Step 3: Purchase Ticket (If selected) Step 4: Reserve Travel (If selected)

Dear Future Cash Cow Consultant,

If you’re already in consulting, I’m going to show you how to accelerate your income to the $200,000 to $1,000,000 levels. And if you’re new to consulting, then I’m going to save you a TON of mistakes and get you paid fast so you don’t become a “free or minimum wage consultant.” I will give you all the Documents, Marketing Examples and Pricing Strategies you need to catapult into a Cash Cow Consultant.  

That’s right, I’m going to give you:

✓ Marketing materials, including speaker/consultant proposals that win clients, effective email campaigns that generated $4,500 from one email blast. You can easily modify these documents by adding your logo and unique language so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

✓ Multiple samples of government proposals that were awarded multi-year contracts. I will give you one proposal that generated $30,000 in one year, for only 4 days of consulting. I will also show you the formula breakdown to create your own winning proposals. 

✓ Lead generation sources so you never run out of potential clients. (two current sources I use that generated over $100,000 in revenue alone)

Supplemental solutions: (creating leadership assessments, personality profiles, DISC, hiring for culture, engagement surveys, team building assessments and more!)

Tools for measuring training effectiveness and return on investment for consulting services (95% of trainers use simple satisfaction “did you like the training” survey)

✓ Pricing strategies, so you can justify $10,000 per day (communicating ROI) so you’re not paid minimum wage for consulting and speaking services.

✓ Sample contracts and keynote speaking agreements so you get paid thousands upfront before providing services, increasing your cash flow. 

✓ Mistakes NOT To Make while marketing your consulting and speaking services.  

✓ Single-page strategic and marketing plan for consultants and speakers.

✓ Mastering the sales closing process (what to do if you don’t like negotiating and closing)

 View the entire two-day training schedule here

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© 2020 Cash Cow Consultant, James Bird Guess All Rights Reserved.